After my adventures with Lemur Su and the K.I.T.K.A.Ts, I spent a few days relaxing. Best thing was getting to heading over to Dex’s Dinner new Holonet café for some Kamino coffee and a little down time with
Epsilon 775. I took the Lt. Cmdr’s Lap Data Pad to see if I could fix it.

Ahh, Coffee! Life is good.
hey, wait, what was wrong with my data pad?
Didn't the power converter break? It arrived with a lot of your stuff that was shipped from BB:N. I...we just thought it best to fix it ASAP :)
Wait…is there a picture there? All I see is white with a little bit of black.
Polar bear in a snow storm?
Pillsbury dough boy taking a milk bath?
Two troopers having coffee next to a white table? (nah, couldn’t be that…)
Well, yes, but that plugs into the datat pad, and I ordered a new one. You aren't looking for anything on my data pad, are you?
Noooo. I am not looking for anything on your data pad. and if i was there would be no way for me to bypass the primary firewall. If If i did bypass it, I could not get past the data encryption. And if I could, the freaking secondary firewall would stop me.
Drink coffee through your helmet, how can you?
Do you have a straw attachment or something?
Master Yoda and Jon: All clone armor come with "Standard Imperial Preemptive Induction Capacity Utility Pipes" (S.I.P.I.C.U.P) installed for free.
You're getting better at this acronym thing, Tak. I'm proud of you.
Wait, am I even allowed to be proud of you? I guess that's Oneida's job. Plus you're older than me. Oh well, I'm proud of you anyways. :)
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